How to live longer: 6 ways

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How to live longer: 6 ways

How to live longer

How to live longer: 6 ways. The fact is many of us are living longer is fascinating. However, with age, the likelihood of conditions associated with aging increases – arthritis, hip fractures, memory loss, etc. Understanding that these conditions are not a normal part of aging is essential.

The good news is that we have much control over how quickly and, perhaps most importantly, how old we get. But, unfortunately, not everyone looks his age. Some 60-year-olds look in their forties, and some in their forties appear in their 60s. Why is that?

Three things determine how we age: genetics, the environment, and lifestyle. While we can not choose our parents who give us our genes, we can control our setting and lifestyle. Therefore, they are the last two factors that significantly influence how old we age.

How to live longer: 6 ways

Six ways to live longer and better

With that in mind, here are our top 6 tips to help increase longevity and improve your quality of life:

  1. Stress control

Very few things make us age faster than stress, especially chronic stress. Have you ever noticed that how quickly presidents age while in office? We all have stress, which can be helpful in small doses. But when stress is part of our daily comings and goings, it starts to affect it. While we will never get rid of stress, there are things we can do to reduce it – some of which are listed below.

  1. Blood pressure management

High blood pressure is a widespread problem in our society. High blood pressure can harm your body and increase your risk of stroke and blood vessel disease. Think of your blood and its circulation in your body as the plumbing in your home. If water pressure is so high, it can cause a tube to burst – the equivalent of a stroke in your body. If it stays high all the time, it will cause undue wear on the lines, which shortens their life – the equivalent of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) in your body.

The good news is that the high blood pressure can be controlled if it is recognized and appropriately managed. It is essential to check your blood pressure regularly and keep it under reasonable control. Diet, exercise, and a healthy, low salt diet can help.

  1. Don’t smoke

This is pretty much a no-brainer. Almost everyone is aware that smoking causes significant heart and lung diseases. But did you know that it also speeds up skin aging, especially the skin?

Undoubtedly, it will shorten your life and possibly the lives of those around you who breathe second-hand smoke. If you smoke and haven’t succeeded in quitting, don’t beat yourself up. Quitting smoking is the hardest things. So don’t give up. Most people who follow this require several attempts. Mark Twain once said that Quitting smoking is the easiest things to do and I should know, I’ve done it a thousand times.

  1. Get your sleep

Well, wake up. This is important. Rest may be one of the most under-appreciated aspects of good health. Why do we need to sleep? Sleep has, in many ways, remained a scientific mystery. What has recently been discovered is its profound impact on public health. Even more exciting is their importance in maintaining a healthy memory – something many worries about as we age. It is now known that sleep helps our brain incorporate the things we learn during the day.

So how much sleep do we need? At least 07 to 08 hours every night. This is a challenge for many of us, but it should always be our goal. Sleep is not only crucial for memory. A lifestyle that lacks the adequate sleep can increase blood pressure, cause depression and ultimately shorten life. So make it a habit of sleeping more

A good tip for better sleep is to stop consuming caffeine late afternoon and night. Caffeine remains in our bodies for several hours after ingesting it. So ditch the last cup of coffee after dinner or switch to decaffeinated coffee.

  1. Maintain good nutrition

Most of us knows that which foods are good and bad for us. The best nutrition advice is not to make yourself miserable by eating foods you don’t like to lose weight or stay healthy. Food is one of the primary joys of life. So eat the foods you love but be smart about portions. Most importantly, eat a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Most of us eat the same food over and over again. Don’t you put the same things in your cart every visit when you go grocery shopping? Be adventurous. Try something new now and then. A varied diet is a healthy diet.

  1. Exercise your body moving

If you want to keep your muscles and bones young, use them. Find an activity you enjoy. You won’t stay with the activity if you don’t enjoy it. If you hate running on the treadmill, don’t do it. If you like tennis, play tennis. If you like travelling then travel. It could just be walking, but sticking with it regularly is moving.

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